
Showing posts from June, 2020

sino-british joint declaration

jun20 The European Parliament went even further by adopting a resolution calling for the European Union to bring China to the International Court of Justice, accusing China of violating the Joint Declaration. Argumentos chineses:  Therefore, after the execution of all paragraphs of the Joint Declaration, the UK has no sovereignty, jurisdiction or "right of supervision" over Hong Kong any more . The UK alleges that China's decision to enact a national security law for Hong Kong is in conflict with the Joint Declaration; however, it fails to explain persuasively why such a decision violates China's obligation under the instrument, nor is it able to elaborate which obligation or obligations is/are breached by the decision in question.  herefore, the U.S. does not, and should not, have the right to monitor the implementation of the Joint Declaration to which it is not a party .     the Joint Declaration is NOT relevant to the national security law in Hong Kong. As long as

Kingdom, United

mai23 Talks on renewing Britain’s business ties with  Hong Kong  will be held during the first visit to the city by a UK minister since China’s crackdown on its civil rights. The Government has condemned the national security law imposed by  Beijing  on the former  British  territory in 2020 after mass protests. The move strained relations and led to the creation of a visa scheme allowing Hong Kongers to come to   Britain . mar23 The last governor of Hong Kong, Lord Patten, has said it is "demeaning and delusional" for the UK to not call out China's behaviour over trade fears. Lord Patten, who is now chancellor of Oxford University, said   China   is a threat "we have to engage with in order to deal with global problems like climate change".

SEM INTERESSE Partido pro china (e governo)

11/6 (candidato indepente Junius) O polémico deputado de Hong Kong, que no ano passado foi filmado a apertar a mão a elementos de um grupo que agrediu manifestantes numa estação de metro e que, meses depois, foi esfaqueado, segue a teoria de que os manifestantes de Hong Kong estão a ser manipulados por Washington e Taipé. Refere-se aos protestos pró-democracia como “motins” e cita os Eagles, para sugerir aos manifestantes que saiam de Hong Kong: “Pode-se fazer o ‘check-in’ e o ‘check-out’ quando se quiser, é como o Hotel California”. Ainda que seja manifestamente um deputado pró-Pequim, diz acreditar na democracia, mas acha que os manifestantes estão a “ridicularizar o sistema” e a prejudicar os avanços democráticos da região.  É deputado no LegCo desde 2016. Este ano haverá eleições, em Setembro. Vai candidatar-se novamente?  Eu ainda tenho muitas tarefas por cumprir. Se surgir a hipótese de voltar ao LegCo, eu ficaria muito feliz, mas, neste momento, ainda é muito cedo para dizer se


Joshua Wong book A new, uniquely Hong Kong-based identity is behind the protests The erosion of democratic guarantees established under the “one country, two systems” policy has made young Hong Kongers more keenly aware of their unique identity, experts say at HKS Forum. But some also see caution by Chinese leaders and a desire to avoid a repeat of Tiananmen Square. Hong Kong’s Protests Have Cemented Its Identity Chinese authorities have long sought to sway Hong Kongers, but more and more, residents of the city see it as being distinct from the mainland. Almost nobody in Hong Kong under 30 identifies as “Chinese” Hong Kong people have long suffered an identity crisis. It was first noticed in the 1980s

Yellow Economic Circle

jul20 Hong Kong national security law leaves ‘Lennon Walls’ in restaurants blank, protest posters out 7/7 “Economia amarela” começa a desaparecer Assim que a nova lei de segurança nacional de Hong Kong entrou em vigor, Ivan Ng removeu todas as pinturas, posteres e bandeiras com temas de protesto da lista de itens à venda em sua loja Onestep Printing.vSandra Leung, da, que vende obras de arte e acessórios com temas de protesto, disse que suspendeu a venda de equipamentos de proteção usados ​​pelos manifestantes, bandeiras com o slogan “Liberate Hong Kong” e outros itens com cantos populares. Jeffrey Cheong, proprietário do Hair Guys Salon, disse que fechou a loja por alguns dias na semana passada para remover as decorações pró-democracia. Segundo a Reuters, Ng, Leung e Cheong são três das 4.500 pequenas empresas da “economia amarela” de Hong Kong, que apoiam manifestantes pró-democracia e vice-versa. Esse círculo de apoio está mostrando sinais de enfraquecimento diante da nova